Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Transformation of Carrots

For the past 2 years I've planted carrots in the garden and for those of you who have seen my garden and noticed the nice straight lines and even spacing, I use the seed tape - mostly because I really, really hate thinning anything. I feel like I'm killing viable food and yes I intellectually understand it's all about the survival of the fittest, I'm a softie at heart.

With that in mind, it's humorous that Dan is so adamant about the fact that he can't tell the difference between a carrot pulled from the ground and one from the grocery store. People I hear your outrage - OMG really!  I know I say it too. I have no response.

About a week and a half ago I pulled the last of the carrots from the garden, I roasted a few for dinner and then we got busy and I forgot about them. But tonight as I was heading home from my walk I remembered they were in the crisper and thought they would make a lovely Curried Coconut Carrot Soup - which they did.

I started with this recipe and and made a few adjustments. I used 2 onions instead of one, substituted almond/coconut milk for the full fat coconut milk, I grated the ginger (to release the flavor), added garlic and increased the curry powder.

I started this project before Dan got home from work and was delighted to hear his "What smells so delicious" as he walked in the house. The smell of coconut, curry and ginger wafted through the house. Actually as we were sitting out on the deck enjoying a glass of wine we could smell it outside, with the door closed - it was that good.

Loving fall and fall foods and looking forward to some roasted brussel sprouts and beets for dinner tomorrow.


  1. They sell carrot seed now as a tape where the plants are perfectly spaced. I just wash and throw the "thinnings" into soup or salad. Love, love, love carrots.

  2. Oh, my gosh, this sounds delicious!

  3. The coconut oil really made the entire house smell wonderful. This dish rocks!
